I have been working away on my contribution to Toronto's Proof Studio
Gallery's annual International Year of the Dragon Print Exhibit and
Exchange. The first print is kept and used for the exhibition. The other prints are offered for sale or used for the exchange.
Here are some pictures. As usual, it seems I've gone with the
cute and simple theme. Linocut and watercolour on Masa paper, hand
pressed with my trusty metal spoon! haha. I believe this will make it my 5th year participating.
PROOF Studio Gallery is located in Toronto’s historic Distillery District: Studio 104, Case Goods Warehouse, Bldg. 74, 55 Mill Street.
Exhibition runs from January 26 – February 12, 2012
Their opening is on Saturday, January 28th from 2 – 5pm works are for sale
Locally, The Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective will also organize a display showcasing our print contribitions at the Ottawa School of Art:
35 George Street
February 6 – March 5, 2012
UPDATE! The due date for this call for submission has been extended to January 25th! If you think you would like to participate in this show, visit their blog. Or contact Proof Studio Gallery.