Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LISTEN exhibit: That's a wrap ... for now.

It seems my solo show went without any troubles.

Thank-you to friends and family that came. Here are some pictures I took the night before the show opened (click to enlarge). Also, a thanks to unfamiliar faces that visited (although I have a suspicion the free food and drinks may have contributed to this select crowd...)

Before I sign out, I want to mention that a portion of the works in the "LISTEN" show will be presented at a group show at Launch Projects:

Title: "Somebodies" (title created by yours truly...there was a vote and apparently mine was picked)
When: September 9th - 20th
Opening Reception: September 12, 2-5 pm

Location: 410 Adalaide St. W (northwest corner of Spadina and Adalaide St, beside Century Graphics.)

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