Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Post-Nuit Blanche 2012

Phew! It's been a couple days since Ottawa's first all-night art event - Nuit Blanche - and I had a blast! There were over 6000 people that passed by our installation and well over 600 people partook in our photo-booth.  Our pop-up gallery ended up being jam packed with drawings, notes, and signatures.  The overall result was a-maz-ing!  Thank-you everyone who paid us a visit.  To those who danced with us, talked with us, took pictures with us, and made art with us!  Also our lovely volunteers and organizers of this city-wide event - THANK-YOU!  What a success!

Here's some chronological shots of our installation from start to finish! (click picture to enlarge)

And here's a look at the photo booth!
Nearly finished constuction, booth in action, packing her up
More pics are posted on our facebook page:

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